March 18, 2008♥
sweet or stupid? ♥ 02:16
There was a couple, they were from different country, different culture. They dated for quite some time, a few years maybe. One day when the girl when back to her home country, she asked for a break up. However, the boy did not want to. He was still crazily in love with her. He said that he want to win the girl's heart back. However, we all know that it was impossible for them to be together due to:
- different country
- different culture and background
- the girl's dad object her dating aliens (not from the same country)
- the boy did not want to go back to his country, but to stay at where he is now.
- the girl will go back to her home country within a year after she graduate
When he told his friend that he want to win the girl's heart back,
his friend asked him "
what are you going to do in a year.. when she has to go back?"
his replied "
marry her, so she can stay, then she can go back whenever she want" then "
sounds like a plan?"
conclusion: sweet or stupid?
-love myself-
March 10, 2008♥
photos ♥ 02:42
it was like forever since i put up pictures.

the 2 bags i received for my 18 bday

My hair looked so cupu, esp the fringe. =(

one pure love from my love. =) <3

From the shortest to the tallest

It took so long to upload a picture, which will took forever, and i'm going to sleep soon.
check my facebook or friendster for update. =)
-love myself-
=) ♥ 02:36
1 more week to my final, which i am not prepare at all. =( This quarter started great. however, towards the middle, i skipped class a lot, which is bad. i missed a lot, esp in my math class. i hate finals.
Er jie is almost back. =) will she bring stuff for me? i wonder. she only bought ONE flats for me. and she THINK it is in brown. she's so mean..
i bought a jeans and a black flats recently. i am so broke right now.
i'm goin to Los Angeles on march 24 up to the 28. will go to see at schools, and magic mountains. yippee. =) 4 more months till i go back indo..
Spring is here, btw. Yesterday was the day light saving. we had 1 hour less of sleep now. =( the sakura in front of my hse is blossoming. it was in pink, so pretty.
-love myself-