November 23, 2007♥
Thanksgiving ♥ 06:55
We had turkey plus to-go dinner at Gossip for Thanksgiving. We had a turkey! my first time.. =)
we went to the outlet at 11.30pm, stopped by Tapioca Express for a while. It was so crowded. We searched for a parking spot for almost an hour. Lots of people went up the curb and park at the grass area. so, we decided to do that too. should take a pict of that..
anyway, who went shopping when the temperature is -1 C outside? people here are crazy, call me one of them, we went to the outlet at midnight. it waasss sooo cold. 3 layers of clothes are not enough. we're freezing. we had to queue to get inside a shop. -_-" we had queue to pay. some took hours to get into the shop, such a Juicy Couture, Coach, Burberry. omg! and i'm guessing, to pay in Guess, it will took you around an hour! omg!! didn't buy a lot. just bought some lotion from crabtree and evelyn.
i forgot to call nicho to wish him happy birthday.. i felt so so so guilty.. haiz.. i am such a bad sister. =(
i'm so tired. the sun is out and i'm not asleep yet. i am such a bad bad bad girll!!!
-love myself-
November 13, 2007♥
bags. bags, more bags. ♥ 21:41
Here are some nice nice nice bagsss

Balenciaga, The City

French Purse by LV- Epi Leather

Key and Chain holder by LV- Suhali

Montaigne PM by LV- Epi Leather
Mini Pleaty by LV - Monogram Denim

Neo Cabby GM by LV *again* - Monogram Denim

Never Full Bag by LV - Monogram Canvas

Stam by Marc Jacob

The Kid by Marc Jacob

Dior - Trotter Romantique

Juicy Couture
-love myself-