February 27, 2007♥
too fast?? ♥ 22:30
i saw aldous again last friday. cos i went to the ifgf v-day party. me, priscill, gerry & aldous took a picture together.. will upload it in friendster n here. =)
aldous was like saying, 'lu lumayan cepet ya'. then i was counting.. 5 months. is it really too fast?
u shouldn't forget abt all the things u had with him/her. u keep it as a memory. a sweet-bitter memory. =) that's what i am gonna do.
decided to change my major. not completely sure to what, but most probably is business. still can't decide what class to take next quarter.. 3 weeks and winter quarter is going to end.
math hw to due this coming monday.. 5 chapters to do and i only did half a chapter. jia yoU!
-love myself-
February 25, 2007♥
Vancouver photo ♥ 16:29
When we reach vancou, we saw this couple holding a sign 'Free Hugs'.. They really do give one.

Didn't take much pictures when we were there. The only time we take pictures was when we were eating ice-cream. enjoying the ice-cream.. =DD

Find this photo kinda cute. rudy was angry when da Jie licked his ice-cream. haha..

Stanley & Chandler refused to squeeze with us. hoho.. =)
-love myself-
Photo!! ♥ 16:20
Chinese new year's eve dinner @ T&T. (2-17-2007)
Shoreline Toielet. Ticket sold out. so, couldn't go in. (2-17-2007)

Only da Jie & me were ready for the photoshoot. kinda of funny..
-love myself-
Back into Love ♥ 16:06
Back into Love
by Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore
I've be living with a shadow overhead
I've be sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've be lonely for so long
Trapped in the past,
I just can't seen to move on
I've been hidding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I've be setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've be watching but the stars refuse the shine
I've be searching but i just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for me soul somewhere
I've be looking for someone to shed some light
Not just somebody just to get me throught the night
could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make is through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'am hopping you'll be there for me in the end
Oh oh oh
There are moments when
I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way
I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I hopping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
-love myself-
=) ♥ 15:56
watch 2 new movies recently. Music & lyrics & Norbit. both of them are nice. the song in music n lyrics is so nice. =)) back into love. love it!
-love myself-
February 22, 2007♥
=| ♥ 17:45
suppose to be posted yest..
after studying for a couple of hours and a little bit of confidence, but still - i'm unable to do my physics. Is it that the couple of hours isn't enough or is it who just can't? Hiding my tears and sadness by smiling n laughing outside. does it work? i guess so. however, the feeling stays.
-love myself-
February 20, 2007♥
=) ♥ 23:58
yee!! heater, hot water & gas are back in my hse. welcome back!! huahua.. feel so good n great. =DDD the person from puget sound energy gave us a wide range of time of when he would come over. from 1pm till midnight. -_-" what a time! luckily, the person came over at 2.30pm. =) a wide smile on my face. no more freezing cold water in the morning. no more sleeping in coldness. =) it's over. well, not really over. it is still winder. these few days, the wind is blowing so strong. even though the sun is out, it is still cold. wishing for spring to come sooner.
i have physics test tml. well, hopefully i am able to do it well. =) 3 exercis of math hw are due tml n none are done. huahua.. this is me, jenn. still considering if i shld do it. well, maybe i will tml in my 2 hours break.
communication sure is important. but i dun think i have much to some people out there. not some, but most. =( pathetic isn't?
-love myself-
February 19, 2007♥
=( ♥ 19:32
why am i wearing jacket in my hse? isn't it supposse to be warm? hicks. still no heater or gas. tml i hope. the wind is blowing so strong out there. and yes. we went to rudy hse to bath again. the 4 of us. er jie went to stanley place to bath. haiz..
essay to due, 3 exercise of maths to do, physics exam on wednesday which i have no idea what it is talking about. =( what a dull life i have..
ok. i need to do my essay dl. =(
-love myself-
February 17, 2007♥
new year eve ♥ 22:13
Tommorow is chinese new year. happy new year everybody. =)
went to broadway in the afternoon with mikel & michael. then northgate.
went to have dinner with isauw in the evening @ T&T. there were 30 of us tt went there. 3 tables. the place was so crowded. so cramped. And we were so fulL! da Jie made me a drink from gossip. but it wasn't nice. =( should stop drinking gossip anymore. n should stop eating. feel so 'round',. =( can i oek oek (puke) in the toilet after i eat? as in bulimia. haiz.. what is the fastest way to lose weight? hicks hicks. T_T
after dinner, we went to shoreline to look around. there was this Amore DeNoche, a valentine party. held in shoreline cc. it was a last minute decision. we took quite a long time to decise whether to go or not. in the end, we didn't go in. no ticket too. haha.. me & mel went home while da Jie & er Jie went to casino. hope they win. *crossing my finger* jess is one of the committee in the party.
have i said tt my hse have no hot water, no heater, no gas? i guess not yet. omg! it is a torture for us. so cold. it isn't just normal cold. it's freezing cold. washing my face & brushing my teeth is ... omg! haiz.. whenever i wanted to bath, i feel like crying. really. today, i went to his hse n bath. hauhaua.. pity me isn't? quite embarrassed when i went there without bathing n still in my pajamas.. hehe.. =((((
bella is here. so is freda. freda called me a few days ago when her family went back indo. bella just called me less than an hour ago to tell me tt she is here. =D miss them so much! wanna gossip with her.
oh ya! i FINALLY saw aldous just now in sch gym. he went to the v-day party. Wah!! miss him too!! he said tt i changed. i used to be so loud n noisy. but now, not anymore.
going to vancouver tml.. =D
-love myself-
February 16, 2007♥
=| ♥ 22:20
there's a saying 'i rather be happy for a while than just fine for the rest'. for me, i prefer to be just fine than happy for a while. cos what always happen to me is tt, whenever i'm happy, it won't last long. something painful will happen to me the next few days. always. knp hrs bgtu?
my advice for myself (and for u if u want)
trust no one except urself.
-love myself-
February 15, 2007♥
=DDD ♥ 22:56
continues of yesterday...
i ended up sleeping for an hour. i asked someone to wake me up within an hour. i mean wake me up as in call me up. However, he came over to my hse n woke me. it was dark cos he didn't switch on the light. he said "Jen. Jen" and i opened up my eyes. he was there bringing the flowers. =DD
we wanted to watch a movie "bcause i said so". i was dying to watch tt show. wanted to watch the 7 o'clock show. but the i-5 jammed. so, couldn't make it. we ended watchin the show at 9.55 pm. i reached home at12.
here's some pictures of the flowers.

It's the flower from disney. 6 of them are pictures of sleeping beauty. while the other 6 is happy valentine day. =))) i put the vas on top of the TV. nice isn't?
-love myself-
February 14, 2007♥
V-day ♥ 15:54
i am so tired right now. should i sleep? but i'm afraid tt i can't sleep at night. what a tough decision. but i think i'll just sleep for half an hour up to 1 hour. so, hopefully, someone will/want to call me later. =)
i wanted to sleep at 12 last night. Bfore the clock stirke at 12, er jie called me to open the door for her & da jie. n so i did. and the three of us did our things and in the end i slept at 1.45.. i was reluctant to wake up in the morning just now. wanted not to go to math class. i did anyway..
anyway.. it's valentine & metod bday today.. it's 14 February.
Happy Birthday MeToD!!!! =DDD
Happy VaLenTine Day everyone!!
it's the day that everyone show tt they care for one another. they day tt is full of love. Love? where does Valentine day come from? hmm.. will check it out & post it here later. =)
It is said tt Valentine is for girls to give 'something' to a guy. A guys will then give to her on White Day, which is a month later.
1 year ago on v-day. what was i doing? i remembered nth. I only remember me forcing adrian to buy me a msg-in-a-bottle from Inezz class (usual me). other than tt, i remeber nth. I THINK, me & my friends exchange present = chocolate.
2 years ago on v-day, i remembered clearly. i was waiting for someone in TA. he turned up only when i want to go home. i waited for 1 - 2 hours. so damn pissed. and of course me & my friends tradition, exchange present = chocolate.
3 years ago? don't ask me!
well, time to upload some pictures.

Coke done by Er Jie. The ball thingy, which should be truffle is made by Da jie. Me? I did the cookie. but the icing, i think er Jie & da Jie did it. was too tired to wait.. Yea.. this is what i did last night. =)
-love myself-
New blog ♥ 15:51
i didn't plan to change my address at alL. However, due to my beloved sister (da Jie), i decided to move. =) anyway, i'm still quite lazy to find a new layout n edit it. so, will just use this for a while i guess. =)
-love myself-